‘Trivia Night’ instead of BBQ after first race (12th Oct)

We encourage our members to go on to the Kootingal Bowling Club after our first triathlon races of the

season on Saturday evening Oct 12.

It just so happens that the Kooty Bowling Club are holding a Trivia Night then, starting from 7pm with

nibbles provided.

As the Kooty Bowling Club is the major sponsor of Tamworth Triathlon Club, it hardly needs to be said

that it would be great to support them.

The Tri Club has committed to having 3 tables of 8. Most of the Committee & their families will stay and

participate. The cost is $10 each person.

So there won’t be the traditional post race BBQ & sausage sizzle put on by the Tri Club on Oct 12.

Instead do the race & come back to the Club for a drink. If you want to stay on for the Trivia Night as

well, then please let Spence know. Call mobile 0428675905 or email shird@tpg.com.au by Thursday

night Oct 10. This is so we can fill these tables or more & confirm numbers for catering.


Spence 🙂